Echo is an application designed to assist Hard-of-Hearing and Deaf individuals during and after each of their medical visits. Echo is designed to assist in clear communication between both the patient and medical provider regarding health matters. The app includes Patient Checkin, Text-to-Speech, Live Translator access, Billing and Payment options, and User Profile(s) that include the patient's health information. COVID-19 was the inspiration behind Echo especially when masks are present and stifle communication between HOH and Deaf individuals. 
Professor Stephen Zhang | Senior Portfolio | Group Project with Ashley Linch & Taylor Smith
Collectively we brainstormed and conceptualized the Visual Language, Color, and Type. My role for this project was to work on the layout, prototyping and linking pages. I was also responsible for the creation of the information Architecture and design for the 'Onboarding' and 'Patient Setup' pages. Ashley was responsible for the illustrations, Information Architecture, and creating a baseline system of layout management as well as the 'Scheduling', 'Appointment History', and the 'Post-Appointment' and 'Billing' pages. Taylor created the the menu bar and icons, animations, as well as the 'Live-Translator' and 'Text-to-Speech' pages.